Newsletter – January 2019

Feb - 01

Newsletter – January 2019

Horton Family Homes ~ Newsletter for February 1, 2019, 4:38 pm


Attention All

As United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said at the opening of the 24th annual U.N. climate conference on December 3, “We are in deep trouble with climate change.”

He is so terribly right, we have about total abused our environment, and if we don’t start taking much greater actions we may be forced to.  So why not create a more climate friendly environment by building more eco-friendly homes, we can start to make a change.  That’s why James Horton, a Michigan Licensed and Insured residential builder, has dedicated his time to making a Greater America a Cleaner America.  Let’s start to loosen the reigns and make much less of an imprint and just maybe we might be able to stay.

Check out our Latest Project

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Let’s Rebuild Detroit together for as little as the price of a Steak Dinner.

DIY done right

Horton Family Homes also does General Contracting Work and we are always trying to help others that can help themselves.  So don’t forget to check out our next DIY Video in our Blog.

Property Management Services

Call our office and we will gladly take the stress of renting and fixing toilets off your hands. Let’s set an appointment today.

 February 2019 
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Look forward to reaching out to others, so please assist me and don’t forget to share and follow us in our Social networks as well.

The Network of Real Estate Investors is always happy to help or add another to our family so if you have not done so already make sure you take the time to register so you to can join us as we strive to attain a Greater & Cleaner America.

Together small changes can become Great.

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